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JunoPacific Single CA Site to be Completed 2021

As a committed long-term partner to the global medical device community, JunoPacific is continually making strategic investments and plan adjustments. JunoPacific is currently in the process of combining its Redwood City and Soquel operations into a single site in Soquel, CA to be completed in February of 2021.

The combined Soquel site will provide additional manufacturing capacity, 24/7 operations, and larger technical staff. This consolidation of resources will enhance JunoPacific’s strategy of providing premier Quick Turn Low Volume solutions while simultaneously improving operational redundancy and collaboration between their Anoka and Soquel locations.

This change will streamline JunoPacific’s production processes enabling them to better respond to customers’ changing demands. While JunoPacific’s core strategies remain unchanged, they will maintain a dedication to continuous improvement in technology, infrastructure, and engineering systems.